04 May 2013

Same sex marriages

Do same sex marriages improve a society or deteriorate it?  What do you think?  Why?

Bradley Miller seems to think it is bad for society.  From his examination of its effects in Canada, he reckons that the practice deteriorates people's rights to free speech, as one is limited in one's ability to speak against a practice that has been passed into law.  He thinks that education deteriorates as well, as one cannot explain the male-female relationships and sexual intercourses that is "normal" among many species as liberally for fear of offending those who are pro-same sex-relationships.  While religious institutions are not forced to perform marriages against their beliefs, they are denied the right to with-hold the use of their premises for people who want to be married.

However, there are those who do not share his view.  Australian Marriage Equality has 12 points why "marriage equality" should be allowed.  They did not expand on these 12 points - perhaps because they think that the points are obvious and need no further explanation; or perhaps because the points sound good when put forward in this way, but holds no strong basis when examined more carefully.  I do not know.

A Kastanis et al and Yahoo! Finance say that gay marriages are good for the economy because of the monetary benefits that come in from people who would spend on weddings, marriages, adoptions, taxes, etc.  Perhaps they are right, but should society be driven because of the economic reason alone?

How do we balance this view against what Miller wrote?  Does it mean that same sex marriages are good for money, but not good for ethics and liberty?

I read about John Paulk as I was pondering these thoughts.  Apparently, this guy used to be a cross-dresser and a drug user.  Then he met and decided to follow Jesus.  He left the gay community, married a former lesbian, and in their marriage relationship, came to have three sons.  Then he left all that to return to the gay community.

Andrew Commiskey, who wrote about John, thinks is not so much about a person's struggle with his own sexual identity.  He thinks that a lot of this change has to do with how one feels loved and accepted by others.  It has to do with "getting attention, flirting, being made to feel special,  distracting oneself from one’s chronic dissatisfaction with life through parties and other high-animation activities", according to Andrew.

If this is true, then it is not really a "gay-gene" that makes people homosexual, but really, ones perception, or misperception, of what is love and how one feels about it.  One is after the right to choose to be loved by people who seem to give love, rather than being really wanting to be homosexual.  If this is really the case, then society has really gone wrong in the aspect of leaving a person to feel unloved ... and society then walks down the path to see more deterioration through this gay-marriage debate.

This is what I surmise from all this reading anyway.  What do you think?  Do you have a different conclusion?

Is God real in all this?  What is right or wrong in God's eyes?  What do you think?  What does God say?


  1. If commercial reasons are stronger than ethics, then slavery is a justified trade.

  2. They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.

  3. “There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles. …”
