21 February 2014

Which commandment

Which commandment do you think is the most important?  Out of the ten spoken by God in Exodus 20:1-17, which do you think we need to obey the most?

The Ten Commandments may be summarised as:
  1. Do not worship other gods, ie. other than the One True God;
  2. Do not make idols or images to represent God or worship these;
  3. Do not treat God's name lightly or disrespectfully;
  4. Dedicate the Sabbath for rest;
  5. Honour parents;
  6. Do not kill another human;
  7. Do not have sex outside marriage;
  8. Do not steal;
  9. Do not lie or falsely accuse another person;
  10. Do not desire anything or anyone that does not belong to you.
We do not see many people today following these commandments.

Many worship idols.  Such practice has become acceptable culturally, even if not in the Church.  Many use God's name for swearing.  Few have a Sabbath day of rest, now that many retailers in the cities open their shops 7 days/week.

And if they do have a Sabbath, it is sometimes not on the Sabbath day.  Does this matter?

As a society, we still agree that it is wrong to murder, but we reason self-defence or war as exceptions to the rule.  We think stealing is wrong, but we are not clear about what constitutes theft in petty cases.  A former President of the USA taught us that "greed is good" for the economy, and many now behave as though greed is normal.

Should society turn back to the Ten Commandments?  Is the Ten Commandments now out of date?  What do you think?

What would society be like if society and church treated these commandments seriously?

Whose views regarding whether we obey these commandments matter more?  Ours?  Society's?  God's?

Can we obey these commandments, truly?  How?  Or why not?


  1. Whoever keeps commandments keep their life, but whoever shows contempt for their ways will die. Proverbs 19:16. https://twitter.com/bro_bol/status/436636578640048128/photo/1

  2. One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

    “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these.”

  3. One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God.
