28 July 2014

Value of human life

Reflecting on recent news events, Waleed Aly wrote a comment about the value of human life.

It seems that we, humans, object to the fact that that lives can be terminated unexpectedly, as what happened in the recent MH17 saga.  We seem to expect that life would go on without end ... or, at least, we be warned and be able to gradually say goodbye before the end arrives.  We seem to think that it is a violation of our rights to die unexpectedly.

Then, it doesn't matter as much when some people die, as compared to others.  If Palestinians or Gazans or South Sudanese that we do not know die, it does not matter - they are not from the rich Western world, and we are not related to them.  We care more for the people we know, or those who have aligned themselves to us in some way.

Do you think that this is true?  Are values about life like what Aly said?  Should it be?

How does God feel when somebody dies?  Does He care?

What do you believe?

1 comment:

  1. Seems like the deaths of two Hollywood stars have overshadowed the deaths of many in Gaza and Iraq.
