04 January 2015

Public vs personal economics

Apparently, passengers pay an average of $2.70 for each Sydney train journey.  Taxpayers subsidise these journeys by $10.60, as the average fare does not fully cover the cost.

There are many reasons behind this.  Concession fares for children, the unemployed and the elderly is one reason.  Also, if the commuters had to pay the full cost, then people would not be attracted to use the rail system.  This would result in a higher volume of road traffic - and this would cost the tax payers about $6.80 more/journey.

So it depends on how we look at the issue.  One, interpreting it at an individual level, may say that the train fares need to increase in price in order to recoup its losses.  The government and the tax payers shouldn't need to bear the cost.  The rail network should turn a profit in themselves, and not be a liability to the public.  There should be less concession in the fares in order to make this possible.

On the other hand, when one looks at the issue from a community perspective, one can say that given the benefits of reducing traffic from the roads, from less carbon emission pollution, the reduction in inflation, etc, the economics of running the rail system at this reduced rate is the right tact.

Are there other issues in life that fit this model?

Eg. education - which are a burden to the public purse, but necessary for the next generation?  Tithing and taxes - which have a negative impact on an individual's budget, but are necessary for the church or state to have resources to use?  Driving in such a way to suit self instead of obeying the rules to help every other road user as well as self?  Litter in the streets?  Social welfare?

What if people seek out for their personal good instead of thinking big-picture for the good of the community?

Are banks, governments and individuals too self-centred instead of community-centred in their mindset these days?

What do you think?  How can we have a better world?  Does God have a part in solving this?

1 comment:

  1. 6 lies and fallacies on the LRT/MRT fare hike http://teddycasino.wordpress.com/2015/01/06/6-lies-and-fallacies-on-the-lrtmrt-fare-hike/
