29 April 2015

Legal nudity

I read this expression on Sam's column.  He was writing about figure-hugging garments - tights - opague enough to be considered covering or clothing, but so sheer and leaving so little to imagination that it is almost as though the wearer is naked.

Why would someone wear such clothing?

In some countries, women cover up so much, that thy wear burka.  More flesh is shown in other cultures.  What dictates the boundaries of modesty?  Why are the definitions of modesty different in different societies?  Shouldn't they be the same?

Among some tribal people in the forests, for a woman to walk around topless in public is fine.  Not so in the civilised parts of the world, unless you were in a topless bar.

In the western world, women used to go out in dresses and skirts that covered the knees or further in a yester era.  Then "modernisation" came in.  Wearing mini-skirts, jeans and shorts became more acceptable.  As fashion, variety and newer fabrics came about, the trend now permits these "legal nudity" tights that Sam spoke of.

Have we gone too far?  Or not far enough?  What should the rules of modesty be?

Is this a case of inviting sexual provocation, and potentially sexual abuse?  Or not, given that society accepts it?

What do you think?


  1. If we do not have LOVE or a burning desire for righteous living, we won't care about modesty. It will simply be a weight to us.

    Modesty gets legalistic and judgemental when we think our dress makes us holy some how.

    That's not it!

    A Godly woman is filled with God. A woman without CHRIST cannot be Godly. Clothes cannot make any of us Godly.

    Being born again and regenerated by His Spirit makes us holy.


  2. 6 Marks of Biblical Modesty: How God Brings Sexy Back http://www.covenanteyes.com/2013/08/16/biblical-definition-of-modesty/

  3. likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire,
