29 August 2013

Not translatable

Can you think of anything you wish to express that anybody else would not be able to pick up exactly what you mean?

If it is an emotion, then empathy goes a long way in understanding another.

In language, most words translate across to other languages, although there are many exceptions to this rule.  Some languages have words that other languages do not.  Some have words to express tenses, whereas others express tenses as prefixes, suffixes, or not at all.

Huffington Post listed 11 words that do not translate, but I know a few more to add to the list.  I also know that languages change over time, and it is impossible to keep a current list of words in all languages.

Are there other things that do not translate well?

Have you wondered how the words spoken by politicians in democratic countries are often represented more negatively than what the politicians probably mean?

Are there words that capture what people think of Miley Cyrus' raunchy act?

Can guys really understand what girls feel?  (I'm sure they can, most of the time - they are equally human, after all, but maybe girls may have some emotions guys do not understand.)

What of cross-cultural miscommunications?  Things your spouse may not understand because he/she was raised up differently?

What else?

What do you think?

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