30 September 2013

Political statistics

Some friends told me about drug rehabilitation centers last night.  Among their comments was the fact that they think the government are not the best people to administer such centers.

Their logic goes is as follows.  Drug addicts look for rehab.  The government looks for statistics.  The government do not really care about the people.  They care about looking good to the community.  The statistics look better of the numbers are larger.  It does not matter to them if the drug addicts go back for rehabilitation many times.  So long that they do not report that these are the same people, their statistics for the numbers that have passed their doors and receive aid would look better.

These friends think that the church would do a better job with the rehab centers.  Churches look for changed lives.  Church would call on God prayerfully to help the people who need help.  Church would want people to meet Jesus, who can give people deliverance and new life.

Would you agree?  Why or why not?

In what ways do churches succeed where governments do not?  In what ways do churches fail?

Please share your thoughts.  Thank you.


  1. Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

  2. Will they allow Christians to run it?
