05 October 2014

How should women dress

Should women dress in a burqa, that covers every part of their body - even the eyes are veiled?

Or should women dress in just a band-aid?  Well, maybe, not quite "just a band-aid"; I was amused to read of clothing being described as such.  The author was referring to clothing so skimpy that it showed off so much fat and skin that it wasn't a pretty sight.

Perhaps both of these types of clothing are extremes in how much a woman should or should not cover up.  Perhaps something in between is more appropriate.  However, the type and style of clothing is also influenced by society and culture.  Also, elements of geography (how cold or warm it gets, whether an area has four seasons or only one), technology (smart clothes, microfibres, etc. are not available where the technology is not available), religion, school, etc. influence the culture.

Should women have the right to choose their clothes?  Is there enough unbiased information out there for her to choose well and wisely?

I understand that some women take pride in wearing burqa, whereas others see the burqa as a form of oppression.  Who is right?

Is there a right or wrong answer to this question about modesty, style, and comfort?

What do you believe?  Why?

Would God or her husband or her father have anything to say about her choice of dress?  Do they have any right to say anything?

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