26 February 2015

Not of this world

What did Paul mean when he wrote Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Or when Jesus said in John 17:16
They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.
I find that as we live in this world, conforming to the patterns of our society and culture is quite necessary.  Be too radically different, and people would think that you are mad, not trustworthy, somebody to shun away from rather than to befriend.  Christians need to conform to the degree that they show God's values in a way that the world would be attracted to God.  They need to be seen as righteous and honourable ... at least, to the extent that they can draw people to Christ.

However, conform too much and the world would not see any difference in us compared to themselves.  We do not show God's glory if we did this.  Instead, we shame our Lord.

Sometimes, it is hard to draw the line.

Especially when we need public favour.  Or to save our own lives.

NSW Premier, Mike Baird was once asked how he came up with the right words to comfort the public after the Sydney Siege.  Mike could have answered to say that God helped him, that God gave him the inspiration, or something to that effect.  He didn't, though.  He said that he worked on it and came up with the right thing to say.  We expect that this is to fit into a culture where one is expected  to be wise and strong as a leader.  Or where mentioning "God" in public draws too much criticism from the public.  But if he had mentioned Gd, God would have gotten more glory.

Would Christians today deny Christ if society would put them to death if they didn't?  Would Christians today be willing to be thrown to the lions, as they were in the first century?  Or, be beheaded by ISIS, in the modern context?

How would you stand out today, if you are a Christian?  Or do you think that Christians are just a bunch of mad, wimpy people who do not know that God isn't real?  How can Christians live lives that say otherwise?

What do you think?

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