28 February 2015

Personality test

What talents do you have?  In music?  Sports?  Intelligence?  Are you a people person?  Artistic?  Analytical?

There are personality tests that you can do to find out about yourself.  And other people, perhaps, evaluate you similarly, even without tests, in order to categorise in their minds what kind of person you are.

But are you stuck in whatever it is that you are categorised as?

I think you can change - to a degree - if you choose.  And as you age, you also change, even if you don't choose to.

People can change.

Does God have a say in how you change also?

We read of hardened criminals becoming the most gracious of people when they come to know Jesus.  We read of how people change, as they get married or have children.  Or if they lose a limb or face some tragedy.

Are you willing to change?  Or do you think you are stuck in your personality?

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