11 April 2013

Greed and selfishness

Sheikh tweeted that ""humans biggest downfall is selfishness and greed"".  Would you agree?  Why or why not?

Sam disagreed.  He thought that "staying away from GOD is the biggest downfall.".  What do you think?

Is there a difference between what Sam said and what Sheikh said?

I think that selfishness and greed either leads us to stay away from God, or staying away from God leads us to selfishness and greed.  It is part of our human nature to want to think that we are good enough ... and our egoistic nature brings out the selfishness and greed that is a part of us.  Simply put, we have a sinful nature within us that causes us to want to do things that displease God even though deep down, we know better.  Or we should know better.

Rob769 ran a blog under the title "People are fools because of greed and selfishness".  He listed many examples of where selfishness and greed has let us down.

So why are we like this, even so?  Can we get out of our bad nature, and change our ways for the better?  Are some of us better than others?  Who is good enough for God?

What do you think?


  1. for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

  2. And the Lord asked me, “What do you see, Amos?”

    “A plumb line,” I replied.

    Then the Lord said, “Look, I am setting a plumb line among my people Israel; I will spare them no longer.
