07 August 2014

Support money

Where does money come from?  It doesn't grow on trees.  What do we do to get it?  How much of it do we deserve?

At a partnership development workshop, I learned that there are two ways whereby one is able to establish an income:
  • From trading something else for it: One may be earning a salary, where one exchanges one's time, intellect, strength and youthfulness for one's wage.  Alternatively, one may be trading goods (illegal arms, toys, clothing, food) for money, or trading money (foreign exchange, bullion, stocks) for money and earning a profit for that.
  • From gifts.  Jesus lived on gifts.  So did the Levites.  Social welfare is a gift (nor a right, although some treat it that way).
Children may earn pocket money, in which case, it is a "trade" scenario.  Alternatively, they may be given pocket money, in which case, it would be a "gift" scenario.

In my culture, gift income is unusual, except in the case of charity.  But it is a necessary one for church and church workers to live on.  What is it like where you come from?  I have lived in some places where living on gift income is more normal.

I am now at the stage where, in the light of my circumstances, I am needing to choose between these two options.  What would you advise me to do?  What would you do?

1 comment:

  1. But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.
